Stat Experts’ Healthcare Logistics Solutions

Oct 25, 2022 | Medical Logistics

Giving your patients the best possible care requires time and attention. You and your team shouldn’t have to be distracted by the endless details surrounding the shipping, storage, and administration of your medical supplies.

When you hire a logistics management company, you and your staff can focus on the health and well-being of your patients while saving your company money at the same time. 

Does partnering with a third party to manage your healthcare logistics make sense for your business? What kind of services and solutions can they provide? 

Comprehensive Logistics Solutions for Healthcare

Logistics management is a necessity in a wide range of industries, including healthcare. What exactly does shipping and storage logistics look like in the medical industry? 

When you partner with a professional logistics management company, you rely on them to oversee all the details of how your medical supplies, equipment, medications, and records are transported, secured, and stored. Typically, you can expect this type of service to provide:

Complete Shipping and Storage Logistics

A full-service healthcare logistics solutions company is able to manage the shipment and storage of a wide variety of medical supplies, equipment, and biological lab specimens. You should expect them to have a centralized system that keeps track of inventory and ensures its safe warehousing. 

Seamless Supply Chain Process

With a logistics team by your side, your processes for ordering, transporting, and stocking supplies become smarter and more efficient. They can ensure that supplies are ready whenever you need them while keeping costs low. 

Full Data Visibility

A healthcare logistics partner should give you complete, secure, 24/7 access to all the data and records related to your supplies and shipments. You can count on a confidential yet thorough system that gives you the data you need, whenever you need it. 

Enhanced Security and Confidentiality

The safety of your supplies, specimens, and records should never be compromised. When you hire a logistics management company, they should have several layers of security in place at every step in the process, including onsite storage, order pick-up, transportation, and final delivery.

Team of Experts

You want a partner that cares about your business’s success. And you need a team with the training and experience required to handle any surprises or obstacles that may arise during the logistics process.

The Benefits of a Healthcare Logistics Partner

You may be surprised at the number of advantages medical providers enjoy when they rely on a healthcare logistics solutions company.

Saves Costs

Hiring, training, supervising, and paying a full-time staff to manage your facility’s logistics can quickly become expensive and complex. Keep things simple — and more affordable — by outsourcing those functions to a team with the expertise required to operate efficiently and cost-effectively. 

Frees Your Team to Focus on Patient Care

The amount of time and effort it takes to manage the logistics for even a small medical facility can become extremely time consuming. Keep your healthcare professionals focused on what they were trained to do: care for your patients. 

Simplifies Your Logistics Process

With numerous vendors, couriers, insurers, and medical facilities involved in the healthcare logistics process, management can become overly complex. Hiring a company that already knows the ins and outs of medical logistics — including the security and safe-keeping of supplies, specimens, and records — keeps things simple for your healthcare team. 

Streamlines Your Practice

There’s no time for “bumps in the road” when it comes to providing excellent care for your patients. With Stat Experts on your team, all your logistics details are optimized so they can run smoothly … and you don’t need to give them a second thought. 

Reduces Wasted Resources

While you care for your patients, Stat Experts keeps a watchful eye on your deliveries and inventories. We understand the requirements and routines that go into medical care as well as the administrative functions required to help keep your company profitable, so you’ll never worry about resources — such as materials and time — ever going to waste.

Let Stat Experts Provide Your Healthcare Logistics Solutions

Stat Experts specializes in healthcare logistics solutions for the medical industry. We remain fully compliant with all federal, state, and corporate policies and regulations, ensuring that your practice operates consistently and legally. 

When you partner with Stat Experts, you’re freeing your team from getting bogged down in extra phone calls, hours of screen time, and chasing down answers. You concentrate on saving lives, and we’ll take care of the nitty-gritty details.

Get a Quote for Outsourcing Your Healthcare Logistics

Exciting Developments at Stat Experts

We’re pleased to announce that Christina Haskins, our former VP of Marketing, has been appointed President of Stat Experts, with Hamed Chaharbaghi as Executive VP. CEO David Frenzel and former President Allen Absalon will continue their involvement in advisory roles.

Click here to learn more about these exciting changes.